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About transform

A holistic, systemic approach

Transformative theatre goes into depth in a playful way. A group or community that poses pressing social or ecological issues and wants to work on them theatrically is a living organism that is constantly developing and getting to know itself better in the process. Theatre - as a universal language of the body, senses, emotions and space - can be utilized to give a Gestalt to something unspoken or a new perspective to something already spoken. In that way, blockages can be emphatically seen, transformed and resolved. 

A public performance can take place at the end of a joint journey. This is not a must. Whether there will be a performance and in which context (public, only within your organization/community or only internally in the group of participants) is completely determined by your choice. We will agree on it in advance. I am also grateful for your suggestions regarding the focus of the theatre project. Topics like climate change, environmental destruction, racism, bullying, addiction or any other social issue, that is somehow relevant to you, can be worked with. Where does your shoe pinch? If there is going to be a public performance at the end of a project, it will take the shape of Forum theatre - a method developed by Augusto Boal. It offers great transformative potential for the audience can actively intervene in and transform the course of the play. 

Transformative theatre is also a social, political and aesthetical practice that, after some testing, can be applied independently in participatory group processes. It is based on the applied theatrical approaches of Theatre for Living by David Diamond and has its origins in Augusto Boal's Theater of the Oppressed (TO).

Apart from transformative theatre, I offer other formats spanning from improv theatre workshops via basics-in-acting classes through to participatory play creations. Bringing people together and initiating creative exchange is my biggest joy.

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About me

My name is Annie Lux. I am a drama teacher based in Dresden. Since 2018 I have been giving courses, workshops and facilitating theater clubs. I am particularly interested in the endless expanses of improv theater, participatory play creations based on topics and suggestions from the participants, Augusto Boal's Forum theatre and the systemic approach of David Diamonds Theatre for Living. In my work, I attach great importance to being mindful and respectful. With every new theatre project, I step into a space that is supposed to promote resonant relationships with others and the world as a whole.

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© 2021 Anja Dellner

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